Greenville Family Chiropractic Blog

chiropractor may help tmj pain

Greenville Chiropractor May Help TMJ

Greenville Chiropractor May Help TMJ Among the areas of the body that Greenville chiropractors are able to help, many people are surprised to learn that the jaw is on the list. It’s easy to associate back pain and neck pain with chiropractic treatment, but people who suffer from TMJ or Temporomandibular Joint Disorder in Greenville…

Greenville Chiropractor Discusses Different Types of Headaches

Greenville Chiropractor Discusses Different Types of Headaches

Greenville Chiropractor Discusses Different Types of Headaches Headaches are one of those health issues that can be mild and irritating, severe and debilitating, or one of many degrees in between. They can build up slowly or come on suddenly, and no matter how bad it is, almost everyone wants a remedy as soon as possible.…

Greenville Chiropractors May Help Scoliosis

Greenville Chiropractors May Help Scoliosis

Greenville Chiropractors May Help Scoliosis Among common back conditions, scoliosis is one that has the potential to cause a great deal of discomfort and immobility. Between 5 million and 7 million people in the United States are affected by scoliosis. Greenville chiropractors have the ability to provide relief to many scoliosis patients, making their day-to-day…

Greenville Chiropractor Talks about Bulging Discs

Greenville Chiropractor Talks about Bulging Discs

Greenville Chiropractor Talks about Bulging Discs The concentric rings made from cartilage and other materials that are located between your vertebrae are known as discs. These discs provide a cushion between the vertebrae, preventing them from grinding against one another while your spine is moving. Greenville chiropractors have very good results when treating this type…

Greenville Chiropractic Office Helps Whiplash

Greenville Chiropractic Office Helps Whiplash

Greenville Chiropractic Office Helps Whiplash One of the most common injuries that people suffer from after an auto accident in Greenville is whiplash. When a chiropractor books an appointment to see a patient after a car accident, it is often to treat the pain that results from a whiplash injury. Find out how our Greenville…

Greenville Chiropractors Help Range of Motion

Greenville Chiropractors Help Range of Motion

Greenville Chiropractors Help Range of Motion A body in motion is a beautiful thing, but through poor lifestyle choices, injuries, and general aging our range of motion can diminish to the point that we can barely bend over to pick something up off the floor. Everyone seems to take their flexibility and ease of movement…